SCARFACE: How to get rid of Unwanted Scars
There’s no getting around it: looks are important. The society we live in puts a great deal of emphasis on how we look. Within a few seconds, first impressions are made by those we meet, often based largely on our outward appearance. It’s not a coincidence that villains in television or movies often have scars, an outward portrayal their “unpleasant” or damaged natures. Most everyone has at least one scar somewhere on their body. For some, they can be a badge of honor; proof that they have survived painful or difficult circumstance. For others, it can be a constant reminder of something we’d rather forget: an accident, a surgery or a trauma that we no longer want to define us.
Scars are part of the body’s natural healing response designed to replace damaged or destroyed tissue. After the trauma, the body begins to produce new collagen often fibrous or tougher in nature, to fill the space. This new collagen can be placed in a less regular than normal skin causing a ropy, thickened appearance. This causes the scar to look different and often less “stretchy” than normal skin. This process can result in color changes of the skin too, in which the skin looks red or even white. When the body doesn’t make enough collagen the scar can be depressed or sunken. Sometimes the scar overproduces collagen resulting in a hypertrophic or even keloidal scar.
What can be done? There are only a few scar interventions that are worth the money. The first one is antibiotic cream. Antibiotics used during the healing phase of the injury will assist the body in healing and can ultimately improve the final appearance of a scar. Silicone sheeting can also help the body stay on track with healing during the healing process and keep the scar from overfilling. Over the counter scar creams and vitamin E have not shown effectiveness in clinical trials.
One of the most effective methods of revising scars is treatment with MIXTO fractional CO2 laser. MIXTO works by vaporizing columns of abnormal scar collagen and creating new healthy collagen development to heal the scar from the bottom up. Even after one treatment, scars are more pliable and less noticeable. After the procedure we have patients use iScience Revision Skin Care which contains strong anti oxidants derived from green tomatoes, a special extract that has been difficult to formulate until now. Treatments are fast and can be repeated monthly until optimal results are obtained. Downtime is minimal. MIXTO can treat both old and new scars and can be used on any skin type. Call today for your free MIXTO scar evaluation. Toyos Clinic 615.327.4015.